We engage with local communities to provide those with awareness on animal welfare, hands on feeding and positive animal experiences as well as knowledge on what resources are necessary and the process around rehoming animals to our farm to ensure all life has an opportunity to thrive at our sanctuary. We provide a space for all members of the community to safely have one on one experiences with animals that therapeutically, and physically offer healing opportunities for the humans and animals alike.
Along with a lifelong sanctuary for our adopted animals we offer them proper feeding, environment enrichment, lots of love, and any veterinary care as needed. We provide a safe and loving environment that allows all of our animals to live a fulfilled life where they can enjoy companionship from fellow animals and all who spend time at our farm. We share with the community what good animal welfare includes giving examples of how we prevent and treat any illnesses, how we provide and maintain proper housing, nutrition, and care, and handle all animals humanely.
We offer educational visits, giving people of all ages the opportunity to have emotional support, social interaction, physical and cognitive skill development and hands-on experience, who might not have had contact with farm animals. We have the outdoor learning space available for visitors to gain knowledge around what animal sanctuary does and the impact it makes on the animals being rehoused, the communities they come from and we serve and the impact on those who have rehoused animals. Thus creating a positive impact for both the people in our community, our farm animals and hopefully for other generations to come.
"I was crying telling my husband that I was so happy you guys were so sweet when you came to pick him up. Thank you for loving Alan! He looks GREAT!"